Hi. I'm Michael Ruiz.
I'm a Systems Engineer.

About Me

I graduated with a bachelor's degree from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. My major was in Computer Engineering and my minor was in Science and Technology Studies.

I am currently a Systems Engineer, but have retained my passion for Software Engineering. I love the challenge of creating, testing, and implementing ideas that provide clean and fulfilling user experiences.

Outside of software development, I am also passionate about board games, video games, soccer, and basketball.

Recent Projects


Metaprint is the final product of my Software Engineering Design Project. Myself and three classmates utilized the Agile methodology to create a web application that keeps track of your personal carbon footprint. Users can track their activities that generate emissions, receive tips and tricks on how to reduce these emissions, as well as compare their emissions to those of all Metaprint users.

A Screenshot of the Metaprint Homepage

MLS Stats

This site provides the standings and statistics for every MLS team in 2022. (NOTE: The API has disallowed updates past the year 2022.) New stats are pulled from the API at most once per day, and the standings are updated at most once an hour. The data pulled from the API is stored onto a MongoDB database, which provides that data to the website.

A Screenshot of the MLS Stats Homepage

Crock Bot

Crock Bot is a chat bot created using the Discord JS node module. The bot provides my discord server with additional functionality such as a Currency System, Music Player Functionality, Automated Role Assignment, and other features.

A Crock Pot

Thermostat Verification

This project was an embedded systems project created to verify my household thermostat's temperature and humidity readings. A python script running on a Raspberry Pi was used to gather readings from a DHT22 Temperature-Humidity sensor every hour.

A Thermostat